Eating Cheese Could Be Good for Your Health - SmaTreX ShoW !


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Eating Cheese Could Be Good for Your Health

Don't let concerns about saturated fats in cheese stop you from keeping it in your diet. It turns out that eating cheese every day could be good for your health, according to new research published this month in the European Journal of Nutrition.

Researchers analyzed 15 studies – most of which lasted around a decade or more – to determine how eating cheese affected the risk of cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease and stroke. Most of these studies involved people who didn't have cardiovascular disease at the start of the study.

As opposed to non-cheese eaters or those who didn't eat it often, they found that people who ate a fair amount of cheese saw a 14 percent decreased risk of getting coronary heart disease and a 10 percent reduced stroke risk, Time reports.

But just because eating some cheese is good, eating a ton of it is not always better, Time notes. Those with the lowest risks for heart disease and stroke on average ate about 40 grams of cheese a day. Average cheese consumption by Americans is about 42.5 grams a day.

None of this is to say that you should throw caution to the wind and consume a lot of pizza, however. "This is not the same as eating a big slice of cheesy pizza every day," Dr. Allan Stewart, director of aortic surgery at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Medical Center, told Time. He also cautioned others to be wary of self-reported data (this was observational research), as people could over- or underestimate how much they're eating. He didn't work on the study.

But he did confirm cheese has benefits that may mitigate its high levels of saturated fat. For instance, it has an unsaturated fatty acid called conjugated linoleic acid. This could give you more "good" cholesterol and lower "bad" cholesterol. The study also notes that "cheese is a good source of dietary vitamins, minerals, and protein, all of which may be of cardiovascular protective properties."

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